Sherrie Flick

  • Author
  • Editor
  • Educator

Sherrie Flick lives in Pittsburgh. She’s the author of a novel and two short story collections. Her debut essay collection, Homing: Instincts of a Rustbelt Feminist is forthcoming from University of Nebraska Press in Fall 2024. She is the recipient of a 2023 Creative Development Award from The Heinz Endowments and a Writing Pittsburgh fellowship from the Creative Nonfiction Foundation.


Writer. Editor.

Sherrie Flick lives in Pittsburgh. She’s the author of a novel, a chapbook, and two short story collections: Thank Your Lucky Stars and Whiskey, Etc. Recent work appears in Ploughshares, New England Review, BoothBelt Magazine, and NPR’s Selected Shorts.

Co-editor for the 2023 Norton anthology Flash Fiction America, she also served as series editor for The Best Small Fictions 2018 with guest editor Aimee Bender, and works as a senior editor at SmokeLong Quarterly.

A 2023 Creative Development Award recipient from The Heinz Endowments, she has also received fellowships from The Creative Nonfiction Foundation, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Atlantic Center for the Arts, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference.

Homing: Instincts of a Rustbelt Feminist, her debut essay collection, is forthcoming from University of Nebraska Press in Fall 2024. Autumn House Press will publish her short story collection Breaking in 2025.

In spring 2025 Sherrie will serve as the McGee Distinguished Visiting Professor of Creative Writing at Davidson College. She is a senior lecturer at Chatham University, teaches a variety of online classes for the general public, works as a manuscript consultant for Randolph Lundine, and frequently offers writing programs in unlikely urban spaces for Shiftworks as part of their Creative Corps.

Sherrie Flick portrait with brick wall

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